Don’t Diet… Get Healthy Step By Step

We go through this every year.  We start off with New Year’s resolutions.  We’re all committed and energized.  We jump in with both feet and try to overhaul our life overnight.  The following week we realize we bit off more than we can chew and we start cutting back on resolutions.  We might go to the gym a few times and cook more often at home but as we get busy those resolutions fall by the wayside too.

It isn’t the resolutions we make that is the problem.  It’s the stress we put on ourselves.  It is possible to change but it doesn’t happen overnight.  The right way to make change is by going step-by-step.  So instead of resolutions, start each year off by keeping a gratitude journal.

Don’t push yourself.  Start out writing in your journal two times a week, focus first on your strengths and then write about the people you care about.  Reflect on the situations that make you happy.

Once you’re in the habit of writing in your journal add another step to your wellness journey.  Perhaps you will cut back on the number of times you eat fast food each week, or you’ll try some new healthy recipes or start walking for fifteen minutes three days a week.  Add a new step once you get settled with your previous changes.  Slow down when you get overwhelmed.

Following is a selection of Gratitude Journals from (we may receive a small commission if you purchase through our links):

The Gratitude Journal for Women: Find Happiness and Peace in 5 Minutes a Day

Good Days Start With Gratitude: A 52 Week Guide To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude

The One-Minute Gratitude Journal

The Secret Gratitude Book

Gratitude Journal: Tree Branches and Leaves 52 Weeks Writing Cultivating Attitude of Gratitude

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