October Is Vegetarian Awareness Month

Untitled 0 00 07-15A vegetarian diet has many benefits including reducing the suffering of animals in factory farms around the world, a reduction in heart disease, cancer and stroke, a decrease in body weight and a decrease in cholesterol.  To celebrate Vegetarian Awareness Month in October plan on making some changes to the way you eat.

If you are not a vegetarian follow these tips to celebrate the month:

  • Replace one meat based dish each day with a vegetarian dish.
  • Choose one day a week to have only vegetarian meals.
  • Introduce a new vegetable to your family meals each week.
  • Cook more often with grains.

If you are vegetarian you can celebrate by:

  • Bring a vegetarian dish to the office to share with your co-workers at least once during the month.
  • Try a new vegetable at least once a week.
  • Organize a neighborhood pot luck with only vegetarian meals.
  • Increase the number of fruit based meals you consume during the month.

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