Practical Tips For Reducing The Sugar In Your Diet!

Our modern, hectic and stressful lives make it very difficult to eat a balanced diet. You know that too much sugar is not good for you but you don’t know how to banish it from your life.  Sugar is added to just about all processed foods and you rely on them too much to feed your family.  We’ve done some research and have come up with some simple changes you can help you get the sugar out of your diet.

  • Stop eating so much processed foods and cook more at home.
  • Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • If you must buy processed food read the labels and choose the version with the least amount of sugar.
  • Get rid of sugar, syrup, honey, cereal, cookies, ice cream, candy from your pantry, refrigerator and freezer.
  • Get rid of soda and drink more water and unsweetened tea and coffee.
  • Experiment with recipes by reducing the amount of sugar you normally use.
  • Replace sugar with spices.
  • Instead of having sweetened cereal in the morning have plain yogurt or oatmeal with fresh fruit.
  • If you like fruit juice use fresh fruit and squeeze your own.
  • Make your own sauces and salad dressing.
  • Cut back or eliminate alcohol from your diet.

These are our simple tips to reduce or eliminate sugar from your diet.  Let us know your tips and we’ll add them to this list!

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