Jun 22 2011

Some Thoughts on Food Cravings

Recently, I have been asked by clients, “What should I do about food cravings?”  The problem, it seems, is whether or not to give in to a food craving.  To my way of thinking, the answer depends on what you perceive as a food craving.  There is clearly a difference between just wanting to eat something because it is there, or wanting something because you have been thinking about it all day, and are focused on getting that specific food.  People say they crave all sorts of things:  chocolate, ice cream, sweets, etc.  The next time you think you are craving a food ask yourself these questions:

  • Why do I want this food now and what prompted me to want it?
  • Do I want this food because I saw it and it happens to be there?
  • Am I hungry right now?
  • How would I feel if I ate something else that is more nutritious or lower calorie?
  • Am I  willing to get in my car, go out, and drive somewhere to get that food right now?

How you answer these questions may help you decide whether this is a real craving or just a passing desire to eat.  Simply eating cookies because you see an open package lying around does not mean you are craving the cookies.  If you would feel just as satisfied if you ate another food, you are not experiencing a craving.  A true craving is when you are willing to do what it takes to get your hands on that food. So, I might suggest that your craving is real if you can truthfully answer yes to the last question.

It doesn’t take more to satisfy a craving.  If a craving is real, try having a single serving of the desired food, and move on.  For example, if the craving is for chocolate, a piece of your most favorite chocolate should do the trick.  A large quantity of chocolate is not necessary to satisfy a craving. Try the “one piece” strategy, and see if it works for you!

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