Food Safety For The Summer Months

Untitled 0 00 07-15Everyone loves a good outdoor barbeque or a summer picnic in the park or at the beach.  What we don’t love is the illnesses that can result from improper food preparation or storage when the heat rises.  According to the CDC approximately one in six Americans each year get sick from food borne illnesses and 128,000 are hospitalized.

To protect yourself and your guests during outdoor gatherings follow a few simple rules:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water before and after handling and cooking food.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables before your outdoor event.
  • Use a meat thermometer to make sure your meat reaches a safe internal temperature.
  • Do not leave any food out in the summer heat longer than two hours.  This includes cooked, non-cooked and fresh produce.
  • Keep coolers packed with ice to store food and keep them closed as much as possible.
  • Purchase and use food domes to keep the bugs away.
  • Provide plenty of non-alcoholic drinks on hand to keep guests hydrated.
  • Keep raw meat covered and do not reuse platters or plates that once held raw food.
  • Do not provide dressings or dishes that use raw or undercooked eggs.

These simple rules will help you keep your family and friends healthy and happy so that they can enjoy the warm summer months!

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