Amaranth – Another Gluten Free Alternative

This naturally gluten-free grain alternative is a great option for individuals following a gluten-free diet. The Aztecs were the first to domesticate and eat this small yellow grain, where it was used in many religious ceremonies and rituals. Although amaranth has had a very extensive history, it has only become popularized in North America in recent years. One of the many reasons for this rise in popularity is amaranth’s powerful nutritional benefits.

amaranthIncorporating amamranth into your diet is a great way to reap some pretty impressive nutritional benefits. It is much higher in protein than wheat, packing in roughly fifteen grams of protein per serving versus nine grams in wheat. Amaranth is also a great source of calcium and iron. In addition, the fiber content in amaranth is considerably higher than other gluten-free grain alternatives.

Cooking with Amaranth

Amaranth is a very absorbent grain, calling for three cups of water for every one cup of amaranth. To prepare, you simply boil  water, add amaranth and cook for roughly 25 minutes. After cooking, you can eat it as is, (which has a consistency like porridge), or you can drain and prepare like pilaf. It can even be popped like corn over a hot skillet. Try adding the cooked seeds to salads or even putting them into bread or pancake batters. Due to its high absorbency, amaranth flour can cause baked goods to be very dense and result in an inability to rise properly. To combat this,  combine different flours together with amaranth flour.

It is also important to note that amaranth seed should not to be consumed in its raw form, but always cooked before eating. A simple but delicious recipe to try is Cinnamon Amaranth Porridge found at the website Gaiam Life, which is a great place to learn healthy living tips! Give this recipe a try or spark your creativity and create your own!

Written by guest blogger Jaclyn Forbes. Currently working towards her bachelor’s degree in Dietetics at Michigan State University. She hopes to achieve her goal of becoming a Registered Dietitian and share her passion for nutrition with others.

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