Oct 18 2011

More Reasons to Say Yes to Exercise

We know the benefits of exercise, but there may be extra benefits if you live with diabetes. So why should you say yes to exercise? Aside from the health benefits we always see promoted, exercise can actually help in regulating your blood glucose levels and help increase levels of the good cholesterol – HDL. Another benefit from exercise is an increase in insulin’s sensitivity or, in other words, how well insulin is able to pull glucose out of the blood and help regulate blood glucose levels.  This benefit is so important that insulin sensitivity drugs have even been produced – they are probably better known to you as Metformin or other thiazolidinediones. So what are some ways to easily fit exercise into your schedule when time is limited? Here are some examples to make the most of your time wherever you are at:

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • If you live in a bike friendly town alternate between driving and biking to work
  • If you cannot fit in a full 30 minutes of exercise try 15 or 10 minute increments through out the day
  • Do jumping jacks or you favorite core workout between t.v. commercials
  • Smell the flowers – get your favorite book on tape and take a walk or set up walking dates with a friend
  • Set your timer for 5-10 minutes and see how you can clean and pick-up in your house (bonus: Clean house)
  • While on the phone try doing squats, lunges or simply walking while talking

The key to be creative and choose the type of exercise that appeals to you. It doesn’t have to mean being in a hot gym torturing yourself to run an hour on the treadmill. Look up information where you live and see what activities are offered or, whenever you can, make the most of your spare time, even if it is limited.  Remember some physical activity is always better than nothing, and the benefits of a more controlled blood glucose level will make it worth your while.

Written by guest blogger Stephanie Arellano, a Dietetics senior at the University of Wyoming.  Stephanie is a member of ADA and of the UW’s Student Dietetic Association. Stephanie hopes  to become a Registered Dietitian and a Certified Diabetes Educator, so she can  work with  people who have diabetes.


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