Oct 10 2012

Quick Solution Breakfast: Baked Oatmeal

Everyone knows they should eat breakfast, but if you are one of those people who never seems to have the time to make breakfast in the morning, here’s a breakfast that you can make once and have for several days.

I have been making steel cut oats ahead of time for quite a while, but this was something I had not tried before.  I have to admit, it was quite easy and very good!  Since it’s apple season,  I use sliced apples and a small handful of fresh cranberries.  I see no reason why berries (fresh or frozen),  sliced banana or even puree pumpkin would not work equally well. I’m going to try adding pumpkin the next time I make it.

What makes this recipe really great for people rushing out the door in the morning is you can actually cut a piece of the oatmeal and take it with you!

Here’s how to make it:

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